Looking for a specific database?
On the Cornell Tech campus, you will connect automatically to most Cornell University Library resources.
When off-campus, use the links in this website for full access to all library databases, online journals, article texts, and other resources requiring a subscription. When you click on subscription-only resources, you’ll be prompted for your NetID and password to begin two-factor authentication.
Access Anywhere
When you’re off-campus, connect to databases, journals, and e-books that would otherwise be restricted or hidden behind paywalls through Access Anywhere.
In your web browser (Firefox, Chrome, Edge, or Safari), make sure the bookmark toolbar is visible and then drag the Access Anywhere icon to it.
Click on the Access Anywhere bookmarklet that is either on your bookmark bar or in your bookmark folder. You will be prompted to enter your NetID and password to verify your Cornell affiliation.
Still need help? Try our troubleshooting tips or email us your question.
You can request print books from the Cornell University Library catalog by selecting “Request” in the book record. Select “Cornell Tech” for the campus delivery location. When the book arrives, it can be picked up at the Bloomberg Center security desk. Your book may also be returned at the Bloomberg Center security desk. (Note: If you do not see Cornell Tech as a delivery option, please email library@tech.cornell.edu for further assistance.)
Articles & Book Chapters
If there is a book chapter or a journal article available in print, you can use the ScanIt service to request that an electronic copy be e-mailed to you. If we do not own a book chapter or a journal article, you can request a scan of the item via InterLibrary Loan.
Partnership with Columbia University Libraries
Columbia University Libraries have partnered with Cornell University Library in a reciprocal borrowing program for current students, faculty and staff of each institution. Cornell Tech affiliates may register for a library card at Columbia University Library and borrow books when visiting that campus. Learn more about how to obtain a Columbia Library card.
Not in the Cornell catalog? Try BorrowDirect!
If you can’t find it in the library catalog, BorrowDirect might help you get it from a partner library. Submit a request, or search for material you need in the BorrowDirect VuFind catalog. Delivery usually takes 7-10 days. You can pick-up and return BorrowDirect items at the Bloomberg Center security desk.
Still can’t find what you’re looking for?
Cornell Tech Student Affairs has a list of student study spaces.
You can access physical library spaces and collections in New York City at the following locations:
- Weill Cornell Medicine’s Samuel J. Wood Library offers Cornell Tech students space to study during their regular business hours, as well as on-site access to their resources. You can also check-out books from their collection.
- New York Public Library provides library cards free of charge to any person who lives, works, attends school, or pays property taxes in New York State.
Services for Cornell Tech Alumni
Cornell Tech alumni are always welcome to contact us for help with
- career research
- information gathering and evaluation strategies
- locating business resources your area
We offer consultations by e-mail, phone, or virtual meeting during research hours. Please email us to get started or learn more about the services available to you.
On-Site Access
Cornell Tech Alumni may have access to subscription databases by visiting the Ithaca campus or Weill Cornell in New York City. Please email us at library@tech.cornell.edu if you would like more information.
Remote Access
Our licenses with vendors cover academic use. In most cases, this means the resources are only available while you are a student. When possible, the library negotiates with vendors to allow for alumni access. Those resources are available at https://alumni.library.cornell.edu/resources/.
You may need to set up your Alumni NetID to gain access. If you don’t have your Cornell alumni NetID and activation code, please call (607) 254-2288, Monday – Friday from 8:30 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. EST to have your activation code issued. Learn more about library access for Cornell alumni.
Other Resources
Many public libraries offer access to popular databases like Business Source Complete, Hoover’s, and Factiva. Cornell Tech alumni are encouraged to explore the business resources available at a local public library. For your convenience, here are links to some popular business database collections offered through public libraries:
- New York Public Libary’s Thomas Yoseloff Business Center at the Stavros Niarchos Foundation Library (SNFL)
- Boston Public Library’s Kirstein Business Library & Innovation Center (KBLIC)
- Chicago Public Library’s Business Resources
- Los Angeles Public Library’s Business and Economics Department
- Free Library of Philadelphia’s Business Resource and Innovation Center
- Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh’s Small Business Help and Guidance
- San Francisco Public Library’s Business, Science & Technology Center
The Cornell Tech Library Services team is here to support you. Email us at library@tech.cornell.edu. All questions are welcome!